The Resilience Road Map…
What is it?
As entrepreneurs and business owners, we continually travel through the Resilience roadmap…
But what is it and how can we move forward?
No matter where you are on the Road map, you can travel back and forth on your journey, entering each at different times during your business growth.
Here are the top 5 emotions that entrepreneurs and business owners move through……
SCARCITY – You don’t know how so you don’t believe you can. You are in the start-up mode and you are not sure where you want to go.
SYMPTOMS: You are comparing yourself to others, seeing what others have and then asking why you don’t have that, or you have no clients at all. Scarcity is all about focusing on what you don’t have – rather than seeing what you do.
UNCERTAINTY – You have the fire and passion within you, but you don’t know the next step. You know you want to do something that changes the world and you want to take a massive leap, but you don’t know how, or where.
SYMPTOMS: You know you have a calling and a passion but you have other people telling you to not leave your securities – like your job. You want to step out, but you don’t know how and where to go. You are listening to outside influences too much, rather than following your heart.
IMPOSTER – This is where you believe you can do it, but you constantly doubt your beliefs and believe your doubts.
SYMPTOMS: You are in self-sabotage mode, you feel overwhelmed and you are so afraid that you are not giving others results. You feel like an imposter, someone who shouldn’t be doing what they are doing, often you tell yourself you need more qualifications, or you need to learn more before you can continue in your business, or even start. You are worried someone will find you out for being an IMPOSTER.
MOMENTUM – You have moved through imposter and you are starting to believe in yourself, you have clients and you are ready to scale up. You are starting to build momentum, but you are not quite there, you still feel more growth is inside of you.
SYMPTOMS: You need to let go – you have lots of clients and are ready to scale but you’re in control freak mode. You are controlling too much and don’t trust yourself, or others, you continually micromanaging everything.
ABUNDANCE – You are crushing it with courage.
SYMPTOMS: You still have fear but you are doing it anyway, you are crushing it and ready to keep growing and growing. You are also ready to scale it big time and go 1:many, or move online!!
So which one are you?
Are you ok with that?