Follow Me, Shutttupp and Build your NetworkPaperback Book
Follow Francesca Moi’s strategies on her book on how you can be successful and be a person of influence
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Follow Me, Shutttupp and Build your NetworkPaperback Book

Follow Francesca Moi’s strategies on her book on how you can be successful and be a person of influence
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Have you always wanted to be successful and be a Person Of Influence? Or perhaps you see it as impossible to become one of them as you need to many years and too many skills? It doesn’t have to be that way. Become a person of Influence meant to be fun and rewarding!
In this book, Francesca Moi reveals her successful formula around getting a massive following and how to create a huge network in only 12 months.
Francesca Has Grown Her Business To A 6 Figure Business In Less Than 12 Months And You Can Do It Too.
Following her strategy you will be able to grow your own following and start to be seen a person of influence, Francesca has done it using different strategies such as Meetup, Facebook Groups, Periscope, Blab and running events.
Francesca is an Italian young lady that moved to Australia 7 years ago, did not have any idea about business and did not that she was capable to run a business on her own.
Starting fresh as an Entrepreneur in Australia, Francesca realised that the power lies in your Network.
She Needed To Create A Community And She Discovered This ‘Thing’ Called ‘MeetUp’.
From 0 Members and with no friends or family in Australia Francesca grew a Database of over 10000 people in her target market in only a few months. Generating a very large passive income for herself and for her client’s workshops and training programs from Meetup groups. She was soon nominated “the MeetUp Queen”.
In Only 12 Months She Created A 6 Figure Business And In This Book She Is Going To Share Her Secrets About Building A Massive Following And How You Can Do It Too!
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Francesca brought together a small group of motivated entrepreneurs to learn together. She shared her knowledge generously and taught with so much energy that it was inspiring!
About The Author

Francesca Moi
Francesca started her journey by moving across the world with the dream of becoming a successful life coach. But soon after arriving, she realised the market was saturated and that her dream was slipping away.
Not one to turn down a challenge, Francesca studied other successful entrepreneurs to discover what made them tick and learn the pattern, or formula for success.
She created M.A.F.I.A., a program that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, speakers and coaches step up and fulfil their passion using the same strategies that Francesca used herself. As time went on, she perfected and elevated these strategies, continually growing and serving her clients so they can grow too, teaching them how to go from invisible to invincible on and offline.
Francesca has continued to step up and show up for her clients with her infectious personality, by going WORLDWIDE, allowing her to generate a community of entrepreneurs who passionately live life on their terms, while generating an income.
I attended Francesca Moi’s half-day workshop in order to learnmore about meetups. I had heard of Francesca on Facebookpreviously but hadn’t put the two together until later. Not only didI learn the impact meetups can have on building your followingbut more about Francesca herself. She is an enthusiastic, youngentrepreneur whose story I found inspiring. As I was looking to interview someone who was leaving their mark on the world for my Master of Coaching paper, I knew I had found the perfect candidate in Francesca
Anna Petrarca
Follow Meis a must-read if you are in business and are seriousabout building a community. Francesca has written an A-gradebook with heaps of implementable steps and shares the ‘how to’and not just the ‘why’. It is easy to read and understand and I amso excited to put what I just learnt into action.
Stuart Denman
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