… and do it with confidence, because we have trained them to provide exactly the kind of service you need!
"I'm in major gratitude today for my VA Gilda. She absolutely kicked goals the past month coming up with ideas and writing texts for posts to promote my event last night. After an event with only 2 people last month, we had 17 non-sheep registered and 12 attended last night. We've only been working together for 2 months and I'm amazed and thankful for how much I can rely on her to support me and my business. "
Stop doing everything alone and say “goodbye”
to stress and time-wasting!
We know what it’s like trying to piece everything together, because we created the system! The VAs we have recruited and trained have the skills to take care of the high-quality tasks that are exactly suited to the system you are building.

Our VAs help you scale your business and change lives in the process…
It might sound like a dream… but I can guarantee you it’s the reality we create for business owners just like you, every day!
Right now?
You’re alone in your business…
You’re the one doing all the tasks and wasting time that should be delegated to an assistant. It’s not just costing you the kind of work-life balance that will save your sanity, it’s also costing you $5000 - $30,000 in missing revenue every month. Delegate the mundane tasks to one of our VAs so that you can see that revenue comes in, have someone to support your ideas, and finally create the work-life balance you deserve.
You’re afraid to let go of control, or struggle to find the right person to take those tasks off your hand…
Because we know exactly what it takes to build your system, we know how to train your VA. We’ll match you to the perfect assistant for you - right now we have over 90 happily employed VAs with a 2-year average employment rate, and we’ve scaled 75+ businesses with the support of our VAs! So, we’ll work hard to find a VA you can truly trust to get you where you need to be.
You’re struggling to stay on-top of system updates…
And you’re sick and tired of the dreadful training you need to constantly learn to do so... Our Virtual Assistants stay up-to-speed with these updates and changes as professionals in Social Media Marketing, Admin/Marketing Tasks and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) so you don’t have to be!
You’re getting no one at your events which means $0 from workshops…
Because you have no time to work on promoting your workshops, there’s no way people will show up! By having a VA to take some of that load away and help with that promotion, you won’t have to worry about hosting a workshop for a total of 0 people. You’ll start running workshops to a bunch of excited clients that are ready to build your revenue!

FOUNDER/OWNER of Empowering Virtual Solutions

FOUNDER/OWNER of Empowering Virtual Solutions

Our VAs are there to do the work for you. No more wasting time on admin, system-training, stressing-out over working on your business when your business should be working for you.
They are trained in..
Social Media Marketing
Social Media is essential for your business as it’s a way to expand your network and reach your ideal clients.
Create events on your Page and Groups
Understand theme days and hashtags for Facebook Groups
Manage the community
Transcribe Lives and YT videos

Admin/Marketing Tasks
Our VAs are trained to:
Create reports/store files
Manage & Schedule Calendar and Zoom
Create Forms (release Forms, Name Tags, Attendee Lists)
Market research to attract and grow your following
Respond to client emails
CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)
Your CRM lets you store customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues and manage marketing campaigns, all in one central location.
Generate CRM and sales reports
Maintain CRM
Based on skills and experience, maintain your website

Just imagine the relief …
When you release that tight grip of thinking you’re the only person who can do “that task” and relax into the support of your perfectly-matched, trained-for-your-process VA, you’ll find relief you may never have imagined.
They are trained in..
I built the system that helps you fill your events, and because I know exactly what is needed, it allowed me to create the perfectly-matched VA training. There's nowhere else in the world where you can access valuable support from a VA who possesses the suite of skills to fill your events, using your system, out of the gate.
We match you with a VA trained to your needs, who lives in a timezone that suits your workday - most of our VAs are in the Philippines which means the workflow fits nicely. There's nothing worse than having to calculate a schedule for every task, wondering if it will be done on time for your event! You'll have the backup of a VA who's there, right when you need them.
Your VA cost is designed to fit into your budget and events-filling system. When you schedule your call we will make sure to match you with a VA who is priced to suit the hours you are ready to claim back. It's the most cost-effective method available when you blend our training, their ready-to-go quality skillset and the system you'll plug them into.
We honour our VAs and we honour the work you've done to come this far. To do that it's important to only spend time getting to know a VA when you recognise that this relationship brings genuine growth to your revenue, and will be right by your side as you scale up. We work with a three-month minimum, followed by a month-to-month arrangement.