What is your truth?
It’s not easy to tell ourselves the truth.
There are expectations – what I should have done and fears surrounding the unknown.
For today’s episode, I have decided to share a recent Facebook Live I did talking about my truth and how I am currently discovering my full truth right now. It’s about being able to live my life being fully happy, knowing exactly who I am.
Happiness comes within us, not from the people or things around us, and it’s how we chose to look at a circumstance that effects our happiness. It’s about recognizing lies our brain comes up with and choosing not to stay in victim mode or in the drama.
I challenge you to the 30 days of truth. Wake up every day and write down what your truth is for the day.
I am excited about my truth. Are you excited about yours?
What you will discover:
· Finding my whole truth.
· Why you should never leave something, relationship, friendship, job, etc. until you are fully happy.
· Where happiness truly comes from.
· Getting out of victim mode.
· Why you should come from a place of choosing with no resentment or anger.
Get your tickets to the M.A.F.I.A. Conference here: https://empoweringevents.com.au/e/m-a-f-i-a-conference/
Say Hi to me on social media!!
Facebook: @themeetupqueen
Instagram: @francescamoifm
Website: www.empoweringevents.com.au
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Join here: https://members.empoweringevents.com.au/l/mastermind/