7 Steps To Fill Your Workshop Or Meetup
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People say to me...
WOW Francesca you have done amazing in the past few years…you are so lucky that everything worked out well for you!
Luckyyy???? I work my butt off to get here!
I have done one thing that a lot of Business Owners know they should do but they don’t...
I invested in over $150,000 of courses in the past three years!
I learned from the best coaches!
I modelled people of influence that have mastered what I wanted for my business!
And I realised that growing my NETWORK was the missing link to success.
I honestly didn’t know that growing my network would take me to a seven figure business in just three years!!
At my workshops I often say that your NETWORK = your NET-WORTH and then I ask… who here is actively growing their Network?
And usually three quarters of the room put their hand up…
Then I ask: WHO is actually doing it seriously? I mean who has over 3,000 people in their database??
And that’s when nobody puts their hand up…
We all know that we should build a NETWORK… but we usually put that as a LOW priority, when it should be the FIRST!
”I'll go to 2 networking events a month so that I can say I am networking”…
You need to do it strategically and you need to be super consistent to be able to grow your network profitably.
I am all about building relationship and friendships!
Business is about people - the more people know about you and trust you the more potential clients will come your way.
It’s a no brainer!
Business is a numbers game…
The more numbers in your list and the more chances you are to explode your business!
When I started all this I didn’t have a successful Business yet...
I was struggling to find a way to enjoy my passion and still make money from it...
All I did was trust and believe that this was going to take me somewhere, and with a lot of hard work I made it happen.
& now I am soooo lucky to be able to share my formula with all of you that are following on social media 🙂
Love and live with passion,
Francesca xx