What’s it really like running a 3-day workshop ONLINE!!!

“The next three days will push you outside of your comfort zone. Make sure you go all in and don’t let the voice inside of you take you out of here. Be present because we are going to play 100% the next few days.”
That was just some of my advice during day 1 out of 3 of my 3-day intensive workshop I ran from August 6-8, 2020. Usually, I run in-person events, but, of course, since Covid-19 I had to change the way I ran my events!! Just like everyone else in the world, I had to adapt and figure out a way to make it through these times of uncertainty.
I went from being totally in my comfort zone to being pushed outside of it…
Online events scared me. I always loved meeting people in-person, connecting with people and having that human touch connection. I used to think, “would I be able to have the same impact online as I normally do offline?”
The answer? Yes.
(It just took me a couple of tries).
Honestly, the first online 3-day workshop I ran earlier this year, wasn’t as successful as I would have liked. Yes – people did have break throughs. People did take action by implementing my strategies and people did push past their limiting beliefs. However, there was lots happening behind the scenes that no one saw - the uncertainty, the limiting beliefs and the question marks. The headaches that come along with staring at a computer for 3 consecutive 12 hour days surround by bright lights.
Those are certain aspects of workshops I normally don’t have.
Sooo going into my second online 3-day workshop, myself and my team did everything we could to make it the best workshop we could.
And I think we did it…
How did we do this??
Prepping, planning and all working together.
Planning is really key when running events. You need to plan your…
- Power Point Presentation
- How long each slide will take, so you know you will stay within your timeframe.
- What you are going to say – you shouldn’t write everything on each slide, so have notes and be prepared to know what you have to say.
- What activities or work you need to prepare and with what slide.
- Schedule
- Come up with a timeline so you know when you’re breaks, lunch and dinner, etc. will be – this will also help you stay on track during your presentation.
- For your team. Let them know their breaks and lunch times are so they can be prepared.
- Leaders – Mafians who have attended my past workshops are eligible to be team leaders. This means they lead their own group during the workshop and answer any questions or concerns the newbies may have. Now, these leaders will most likely be one of my certified coaches so they will be better prepared to know exactly what they have to do and can help coach people through their feelings throughout the workshop.
- Set-up!! How do you want to look during the workshop What background are you going to use? Do you want to use a mic or lights? Where is your team going to sit? Don’t leave this till the last moment...it’s simple but if you know how you want everything to look…the easier it’ll be when setting up.
I did learn by trial and error with my past online events and each time they get easier and easier. Funny enough it gets better the more I plan!! The more I think about exactly how something will get done, the better it is!! Even something as simple as playing music…you need to think about how you’re going to do it…on Spotify, on a different computer or not have any music at all? It’s all the little things you need to make sure you think about to make it run as smoothly as possible!
“The things you do when no one is watching is what will create momentum.”
All the planning and prepping will help you create the momentum because you will be able to be super organized and plan, plan and plan!!
Sooo, what goes into planning a 3-day?
- PowerPoint!! Go over your Power point presentation and time how long each slide will be so you know how long each day will be. Make sure to separate each topic of your power point so it makes sense!
- Decide on team leaders (if you want to have any) and prep them.
- Go over team roles. Who is going to do what?
- Organize yours lights, music, camera, setup, etc.
- Knowing how to keep your client’s engagement! Are you going to play games or show funny videos??
It literally all comes down to planning, having a schedule – sticking to it and BELIEVING THAT YOU CAN!!
“Your business is a 3D printout of your thoughts.”
It really all comes down to your mindset and knowing that you can achieve anything you want too. Mindset is so important because if affects our reality – nothing happens without us believing in it. If you don’t believe you will have a successful business, then it won’t happen. Staying in scarcity won’t help with your abundance!
Curious to know what some Mafians biggest AHA moments were?
“I can now see myself running workshops and retreats.”
“I feel so much more authentic now.”
“When you’re posting, don’t reply to everyone at once.”
“I can be a clarity coach!”
“I did a live without make up!”
“I now know exactly how I need to promote myself.”
“I am going to believe in myself and follow the process.”
“Truly believing I can connect with my audience. I need to keep believing that I can have a conversation with my audience.”
“I can speak my truth. I have been able to let go a lot more, but due to me speaking my truth and digging deep – I am actually present and I have made decisions better for me.”