I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I’ve accomplished since starting my business a few years ago. Before this point I never imagined that I’d have a six-figure business and that I’d spend everyday doing something I totally love..that kind of thing just doesn’t happen to a crazy Italian lady! But I realise too that I’ve worked so hard for this and that I’ve gone through a million ups and downs along this journey.
One of the biggest things I’ve learned from being an entrepreneur is that you have to celebrate every win, and even celebrate your losses sometimes.
Persistence Is Key Though And I Definitely Wouldn’t Be Where I Am Now If I Hadn’t Noticed My Small Wins Every Day.
I know it sounds crazy…but even if you have a loss, or something doesn’t go the way that you expected it to in your business, you’ve still made some kind of progress. You’ve still learned something. And that is worth celebrating!
I think about times in my business when I made the mistake of collaborating with a shark instead of a dolphin or when I tried something new and didn’t have success with it. It took months for me to figure out the best ways to use Facebook and Meetup…no one was around to teach me the tips and tricks that I use for building my network now. At the time this was discouraging and made me seriously want to give up at times.
Persistence is key though and I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t noticed my small wins every day. What are your small wins? Maybe a handful of people on your email list opened your latest newsletter. Maybe ten people showed up to your first workshop. Maybe you had one sale last week. Whatever your wins are, don’t forget to celebrate!!
Before you know it your small wins will turn into big wins, and you’ll have more big wins to celebrate than you ever thought possible. Can you imagine that??
Being positive about your losses is a lot harder than being positive about your wins (obviously!) but it’ll make a huge difference in your attitude and in your life. Every time you have a loss you can ask yourself these questions: what did I learn from it? What will I do differently next time? How did this affect me? How can I move forward?
You have to be honest with yourself in this process and it might hurt to think about these questions. Maybe you made an obvious mistake or trusted someone even if you knew that they didn’t really care about your interests. Your mistakes might make you feel dumb, incapable, upset or depressed…we’ve all gone through that.
But you can push through the hard times as an entrepreneur if you choose to look at things in a positive way…seriously this will change everything!
Do you need some help with celebrating your wins (and losses) and having a positive mindset? Come to my next workshop to learn how to do this!