EP #27: How to go from procrastinate to productive
If you’re a procrastinator then you have to listen to this episode!! I am going to tell you how you can learn to be more productive with your day.
It feels so good when you’re reflecting on your day and you can actually cross things off you to do list. Our brains usually don’t like making decision, so we like to indulge so we don’t have to take risks, which ultimately makes us procrastinate. To stop this, you need to have a plan and stick to it – not just pick and chose what you want to do. In this episode, I talk about why we procrastinate so you can understand how to stop it so you can get stuff done! Don’t worry, I go through each of my tips to stop procrastinating and you don’t want to miss out on them!
What you will discover:
· How to fill your calendar with your tasks so you actually complete them.
· Making sure you do all yours tasks and not just the ones you love doing.
· Why you will most likely have to do tasks you don’t like and how to be okay with this.
· Tips to stop procrastinating (these actually work!!)
· How my mindset effected my productivity and how it can change yours as well.
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Facebook: @themeetupqueen
Instagram: @francescamoifm
Website: www.empoweringevents.com.au
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