EP #45: Dreams vs. Dramas
Drama happens.
Sometimes you need a reality check.
With all the dramas happening this year, it shows that we cannot always be invincible all the time. In this raw episode, I talk about how I went from have 50-70 people at each of my half day workshops to 5 people showing up to my face to face event.
Am I going to give up?
I know I still have to show up. It is my passion to help others by sharing my knowledge with them. I know that this will only help me improve my business and the way I run events. I won’t become a victim.
I’m not saying it won’t be tough because it will be. I just don’t get it surprised by toughness anymore and I don’t get surprised by success anymore. I know there will be ups and downs and I am willing to dance with them.
Are you???
What will you discover:
- Why you need to bring it back to reality…at least every once in a while.
- Do you let your expectations destroy your happiness?
- The drama triangle.
- Getting what you want out of life. Why I am okay not having the laptop lifestyle.
- How to be okay when going through a tough time by working on your resilience and mind.
Say Hi to me on social media!!
Facebook: @entreprenuersabundancemindset
Instagram: @francescamoifm
Website: www.empoweringevents.com.au
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