Ep #57: People Pleasers Are Liars
Have you wondered why people pleasers are liars? It's because many of them sabotage themselves to be liked by others.
And sometimes, that includes yourself!
A lot of people go into self-sabotage and they do that because they don't want to miss out, they don't want to lose but actually, they choose to lose everything.
Many of us did not even realise that we already sabotaged ourselves as we kept on blaming others for our bad decisions. We didn’t see that it’s our own doing, that it’s our own self-sabotage - sometimes we didn’t even recognise it, and sometimes, we deny it.
Tell me, in what area of your life have you self-sabotaged? As for me? I keep sabotaging myself in every area of my life - may it be in a relationship, in business, myself, and all. I. Just. Kept. On. Doing. It!! And it’s so frustrating!
What happened is that we sabotage in business, in life, relationships, or anything at all, because we get comfortable. If we get comfortable, we don’t have that much desire to go to the next level - we get complacent and we’re afraid to go out of our comfort zone because we don’t want to mess up what we already achieved.
And that is why we get stuck… Our fear keeps holding us back. We fear that if we risk what we have, we’ll fail and we’ll lose everything. When I'm running away from pain, I'm in fear. And when I'm in fear, I usually make decisions that are not serving me, my business, my relationship, wherever I am at.
And I’ll tell you this, you won’t get any gain if you continue on that thinking - if you continue sabotaging yourself. Usually, we sabotage ourselves because we doubt our power, and sometimes, we fear about losing time - but we actually start to lose so much time and that is the ultimate sabotage.
If you want to hear more about these people pleasers, please click the play button below and also, leave a comment and tell me your thoughts. Thank you!
What you will discover in this episode:
- Why people pleasers are liars?
- What is the main cause why we self-sabotage?
- How can we recognise or know that we’re actually self-sabotaging?
- Why do we have to change our SHOULDS into WANTS?
- My experiences on self-sabotaging and the lessons I’ve learned from it.
- What does self-sabotage mean and why there is no such thing as self-sabotage?
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