I made a return on investment in a month after doing the two-day workshop. In one week I had 25 inquiries and 50 per cent of those equalled more than $30,000 worth of work. That’s why I upgraded to a Diamond membership.
Elizabeth Campbell
As the boss of an online content writing agency, I work with small businesses who want to look good online through WOW words. When I met Francesca, I already had a successful one-on-one business writing websites, blogs and social content but I was tired of working time for money and I wanted a change.
I wanted to run workshop but I just didn’t know how to do it successfully and I hadn’t met anyone who could show me otherwise. I knew I had a lot of knowledge that would help people but I really hadn’t considered the entirety of the value I really had to offer, until I met Francesca. I always call her my missing link.
When I started working with Francesca I had a large following already, 10,000 people to be exact. But I had no idea how to leverage it. I was doing some of her methods but not in a structure that worked and I wasn’t consistent.
I have a team to run EC Writing Services now and I have systems and processes in place for both business. I started a business networking group that has about 850 members (in 9 months) and I have more than doubled my following in the same time. I also ran or spoke at 70 events in 2016 and now have fully booked workshops and networking events, and am a sought-after guest speaker around Australia.
Ultimately, I wanted to run workshops and speak internationally. I’ve always believed I would be “famous” and I want to speak around the world on the topic I love. I was over working my fingers to bone in a one-on-one business. I had tried to productise and I had succeeded somewhat, however, a great deal of it still required my time.
I just wanted to teach people who to write their own content because it was a relatively unchartered field and I had a special approach to it which I have am now trademarking.
My vision is simple. I want to travel, write and speak and paid to do that for the rest of my life. My plan is to live in Italy for six months of the year and Australia for the other six months. My goal now is to set my new business up to go online so I can be anywhere in the world doing what I love. I will be an international speaker before the end of 2017.
Francesca is an extremely smart business woman who always thinks big. Just follow her. She will keep you accountable and will believe in you to push you completely outside your comfort zone so you can reach new heights.
The opportunities that have come from the Mafia have been incredible. I already have 30 speaking gigs for 2017 and the year hasn’t started yet. I also have made wonderful friends and colleagues.
This is a smart bunch of people from all over Australia who want the same thing you do; to run a successful and meaningful business that lights them up on the inside. I love that. We are all on the same page and very supportive of each other.
(I had to upgrade after seeing the massive results I got just from the two day workshop)
Francesca will make you work on yourself until you can see the potential she sees in you and then she’ll make you work to achieve it. And you will be so much better off for it.