Converted 4 clients into my full 6 session coaching!!

I just wanted to share my excitement, gratitude and joy with you my S.O.B.A. Family. I thought I would be struggling during this interesting times we live in. In the last 2 weeks I have converted 4 clients into my full 6 session coaching. I have rased my prices in between and still getting women… Read more… “Converted 4 clients into my full 6 session coaching!!”
These are the exact tools I needed!

I had a community with 16,000 people that I was providing a valuable service to but wasn’t able to monetise. Thank you for giving me to the tools that clarified what I was doing wrong, provided me the with the language, and the tools to follow a step by step process on what I needed… Read more… “These are the exact tools I needed!”
My Business has BOOMED!

My Business has BOOMED! Since joining the S.O.B.A. I have already ran 6 Half DayWorkshops and have launched a successful 2-Day Workshop for my clients!
Grew my business in 12 months!!

My turnover has grown 128% in just 12 months that I’ve been part of the S.O.B.A.!! Ran fullybooked National Tours and workshops eversince!
I Get So Many Enquiries

Less than 8 weeks later and I have already been running successful events and workshop! I even had to hire a virtual assistant to help me out because I get too many enquiries since then!
Fully Booked Workshops

Francesca’s training was the missing link that helped me BOOM my Business. I had already organised 11 successful events with over 30 people in the room and FULLY BOOKED workshops!
Two New Clients And I Wasn’t Even Selling

I have established my personal brand and gained exposure as a person of influence, boosted my confidence and increased my followers.
Got A Return Back On Investment 4x What I Invested

I haven’t even done my 3-Day Workshop yet, but I followed her steps and I have created a half day workshop and got a return back on investment 4x what I invested with Francesca Moi!!
Fully booked for the rest of the YEAR

All my Medical Intuitive courses for the rest of the YEAR are FULLY BOOKED And it is only APRIL. I have started taking bookings for 2021 already. Thank you Francesca Moi LOVING THIS!
FIRST few months working with Francesca Moi

Here is a snapshot of my FIRST few months working with Francesca Moi.. – Sold out Break Through Experience Workshop (60 people attending) – Sold out Transformation Experience with 23 people attending at my first FULL DAY Workshop! – Fully booked 1:1 – Ran successful first networking event to 30 amazing people – Invited as… Read more… “FIRST few months working with Francesca Moi”