We’ve all made mistakes and we’ve all thought that one mistake would deter the progress of our success. In this episode, I talk about one of the biggest mistakes I made at the start of my career and how I thought one man ruined my business. I discuss the pros and cons of how this experience changed my business and mindset. Maybe all the negative experiences in our lives are a blessing.
2. Planning is Winning
This week’s episode is all about how planning is winning. Similarly to me, not all of us are naturally organized and we have to work hard to maintain an organized lifestyle. I share how I became the super organized person I am now and how you can do the same. I also discuss my daily routines to help you get a better understanding of exactly how organized and precise my schedule is.
1. End of year summary
Welcome to the very first episode of the Business Behind the Scenes podcast. I wanted to create this podcast to share my experiences as an entrepreneur with the hopes of helping future and current entrepreneurs. I hope this podcast helps steer you in the direction of leading a successful business.
I want to kick this podcast off by sharing the good and the bad of 2019, and more importantly the lessons I’ve learned from those experiences. From the mistakes I’ve made to the successes – I want to share it all – there are no secrets here. So, stay tuned for new episodes every Friday.
The Resilience Road Map
The Resilience Road Map…
What is it?
As entrepreneurs and business owners, we continually travel through the Resilience roadmap…
But what is it and how can we move forward?
No matter where you are on the Road map, you can travel back and forth on your journey, entering each at different times during your business growth.
Here are the top 5 emotions that entrepreneurs and business owners move through……
SCARCITY – You don’t know how so you don’t believe you can. You are in the start-up mode and you are not sure where you want to go.
SYMPTOMS: You are comparing yourself to others, seeing what others have and then asking why you don’t have that, or you have no clients at all. Scarcity is all about focusing on what you don’t have – rather than seeing what you do.
UNCERTAINTY – You have the fire and passion within you, but you don’t know the next step. You know you want to do something that changes the world and you want to take a massive leap, but you don’t know how, or where.
SYMPTOMS: You know you have a calling and a passion but you have other people telling you to not leave your securities – like your job. You want to step out, but you don’t know how and where to go. You are listening to outside influences too much, rather than following your heart.
IMPOSTER – This is where you believe you can do it, but you constantly doubt your beliefs and believe your doubts.
SYMPTOMS: You are in self-sabotage mode, you feel overwhelmed and you are so afraid that you are not giving others results. You feel like an imposter, someone who shouldn’t be doing what they are doing, often you tell yourself you need more qualifications, or you need to learn more before you can continue in your business, or even start. You are worried someone will find you out for being an IMPOSTER.
MOMENTUM – You have moved through imposter and you are starting to believe in yourself, you have clients and you are ready to scale up. You are starting to build momentum, but you are not quite there, you still feel more growth is inside of you.
SYMPTOMS: You need to let go – you have lots of clients and are ready to scale but you’re in control freak mode. You are controlling too much and don’t trust yourself, or others, you continually micromanaging everything.
ABUNDANCE – You are crushing it with courage.
SYMPTOMS: You still have fear but you are doing it anyway, you are crushing it and ready to keep growing and growing. You are also ready to scale it big time and go 1:many, or move online!!
So which one are you?
Are you ok with that?
How you can help your clients STEP UP and take ACTION!!!
As business owners, we can feel guilty that our clients are not taking ACTION or getting results.
But sometimes it’s a fine line between, serving our clients and making changes in their life, to working and working when our clients don’t want to step up and take accountability.
So what can we do to ensure we have smooth transitions with our clients?
- SET BOUNDARIES – Have clear boundaries with your clients so you don’t overdo it. I’ve seen people overpromise and overcommit, but it’s not part of their program, so now, the clients are expecting way more and then they get disappointed. That’s the last thing you want to do.
- SET EXPECTATIONS– Have clear expectations for them and for yourself. If you set the tone and the expectations, you can both live up to them and you can hold each other at this HIGH standard.
- UNDER PROMISE AND OVERDELIVER – As business owners, sometimes, we just want to give, give, give. However, if you don’t have the backend, the systems and the support, and the team, then you won’t be able to deliver what you promised. It is always better to under-promise something and then add extras to add more value. Your clients will LOVE you for this and won’t expect it.
- BE ORGANISED – Show your clients you have a system in place and you are professional. Show up on time, book in appointments and never cancel.
- DON’T OVER COMMIT – It’s okay to say no. Because if everybody wants a piece of you and if you keep saying yes to everybody, then you’re not gonna be able to commit. You’re not going to be able to focus your energy and be 100 percent, because your focus is everywhere else and spread out thin.
- BE HONEST – don’t just make things up, be honest and authentic with your clients, I always tell my clients what I am and what I am not the expert in and then send them in the right direction.
- DON’T BE AFRAID TO LOSE CLIENTS – A lot of the time when people are selling their program, they just keep saying yes because they want to make a sale. Sometimes people aren’t right for your business, or you and they end up problematic down the road. So it’s ok to say NO, or not have someone be your client, TRUST ME YOU’LL BE ALOT HAPPIER.
• DON’T TAKE THEIR EXCUSES BUT BE PRESENT –As a leader hold your clients to a high standard and they will rise to meet them. Don’t give up on them if you know that you can genuinely help them. Don’t take their excuses, you want to push your clients to get success and results. If you’re present and if you’ve implemented things that are going to make them feel supported, then it will be a smooth transaction for you and them.
Struggling in Business?
Do you struggle?
Are you struggling?
Have you struggled?
The thing is as humans, and as successful business owners we hold our struggles inside, we don't share them.
We are embarrassed that we are even struggling, so we hold on to them.
It's really important that you know that WE all struggle, and by sharing our struggles we not only reach and impact others who can relate, we also allow ourselves to be human.
I haven't done anything by myself, I get a lot of support from my community, mentors, and coaches.
Past collaborations, past partnerships and friendships have helped me evolve.
If you want to go far, you've got to do it with people.
One of the reasons why people sometimes don't take action is because they're overwhelmed.
There's so much going on, and they decide to take no action, right?
So excuses come up instead of taking action.
Then we start struggling because we have all these excuses and all these "Stories" and we aren't dealing with them. We hide from them and we let them stop us from moving forward, from taking steps towards growth.
One thing that Tony Robbins says is that people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.
That is huge.
How much do you want to do today?
Don't overestimate what you can realistically do today.
Just do the things that you can, as long as you take action and are willing to fail forward.
Because at the end of the day, failing forward really is the only way.
There's a lot of things that I have struggled with in the past.
I had to build on myself, so I could lean into the fear,
I had to embrace uncertainty and have a willingness to lose different relationships and parts of my life, as a result of a willingness to just bet on myself.
I had to set intentions and get serious about where I was struggling and I also had to be vulnerable with them.
Because when you set a serious intention, when you're willing to follow through, and when you're willing to step up, you now have ownership.
Now you've taken responsibility for the trajectory of your business, your life, your relationship, your goals.
When you share your struggles, when you share where you are, the impact will reach many.
It allows you to stop hiding, to step up and face your struggles so you can move through it and find growth on the other side.