Do you ever feel like giving up on your business?
During times of uncertainty and times where you might not be hitting your target goals…it’s common to feel like giving everything up. It’s common to doubt ourselves and question if we’re doing what we’re supposed to actually be doing.
I hear it soo often with my clients. They go through periods of highs and lows. Moments where they are in love with their business and everything they’re doing. And I also see the moments where they aren’t waking up every day and loving what they’re doing. They start to question certain aspects of their business.
“Do I still love interacting on social media?”
“What if people don’t find be genuine anymore?”
“I’m doing all the things I don’t really like, instead of the parts of business I love…is it worth it?”
It can come down to the fear of being rejected. People ignoring you and not being interested in what you have say – the fear of people judging you because you aren’t good enough.
Soo…what happens when someone does judge you and they tell it to your face?
You can either let it negatively impact how you think about yourself and your business or you can take it as constructive criticism (if the person knows what they’re talking about) and fuel it so you can be even better.
You may actually think you did something wrong. You may think you need to change the circumstance that created that feeling.
But what if you can’t change a circumstance?
Here is a common circumstance some of my clients lets affect them: Promoting themselves on social media.
This is the foundation of getting a following these days. It’s a crucial component I teach to my clients and is something you literally should not stop doing. You need to be vulnerable and constantly step out of the shadows. However, this and when you do, this is when people will judge you.
Judgement comes regardless though…
Remember, we can’t control other people’s emotions. They will feel how they feel no matter what you do and there is nothing you can really do to change that because everyone is in charge of their own emotions.
The thing is, the judgement will happen regardless. If you listen to the negativity, it will only harm you in the long run. If you stop doing what you’re supposed to be doing because of negative comments, eventually you will just find something else that people are judging you and stop doing that as well. It’s a cycle!
Sometimes business owners fear the judgement when they are trying to get clients. They are worried that people will catch onto their agenda.
They get anxious because of a thought.
Doubting yourself isn’t serving you or your audience. Doubting ourselves make us do less and attract negativity because you are proving to yourself that you are not cut out for it.
What if you drop the fact that you’re trying to reach out to them just so that you can get them as a client and change it to your just having fun and getting to know them.
Reframing your mind to focus on the wins and looking at business as a lifelong journey rather than a sprint that’s going to happen overnight. It’s about enjoying the journey of business and not just the end result. You need to focus on the people that you can change and help.
There is always a person out there who is desperate to find you because they need your help and you have the solution for them. When you have a knock-back, don’t go back to square one because the beginning is the hardest part. If you keep restarting, you will burn out and the resilience it takes may fade away. Keep on using the resilience inside of you to push you further to greatness and towards all the success you deserve!
It’s time to start giving yourself a hard time.