Define your audience
- Your audience may be who you, you are your target market. Your target market is your past self, when you first got passionate about what you teach now. A lot of us used to be our target market… If you used to have a problem and now you have the solution to that problem, and you are helping other people with similar problems now… then your past self is your target market!
- Never assume you know your audience. Ask them what their pains, problems and wants are. Do marketing research and get to know your audience.
- Listen to your audience feedback so you can create content that adds value.
- Always be the real you with your audience. People want to see the authentic version of you - forget about always looking perfect!
Social media plan
- Brainstorm content ideas, write down all the things you can talk about ( even the ones that seems obvious to you, your audience doesn’t know what you know)
- Ask questions on Facebook to get more ideas / write down all your current clients questions
- Write your posts one week in advance and schedule them into a planner to stay super organized by scheduling two hours a week of content writing (make sure you FOCUS and switch off any distraction)
- Use Airtable to plan your content a week in advance
- Repurpose content in various groups, pages and platform.
- Add value in every post. Chose a topic and tell a story with it so your audience can relate with you
Post consistently
- Determine any fears you have about posting on social media.
- Determine the best case scenario that comes from posting on social media.
- Pick a time you are going to post EVERYDAY and add it to your calendar
- Do not overthink it and go ahead and post
- Reply to every comment on your posts to ensure highest engagement
Marketing Funnel
- Keep your funnel simple and only use one.
- The top of your funnel is all the free products and services you have. For example, Facebook groups and pages, free webinars, PDFs, podcast and personal social media profiles, etc. The more value you add at this level, the more people will buy your high end products or services.
- At the beginning, it's all about quantity of people over the quality. You need social proof.
- Use appropriate prices for each level. Don't make them too high when starting out.
Run workshops / webinars
- Run free webinars or workshops as often as you can. Start promoting them early.
- Use Zoom or another webinar platform for online events. For in-person events, use or Facebook events.
- Give away a free product at the end of your event and/or sell a product/service at a limited time deal price.
- Offer your product at these events
- Follow up with those leads and don’t let them down by forgetting about them