As business owners, we can feel guilty that our clients are not taking ACTION or getting results.
But sometimes it’s a fine line between, serving our clients and making changes in their life, to working and working when our clients don’t want to step up and take accountability.
So what can we do to ensure we have smooth transitions with our clients?
- SET BOUNDARIES – Have clear boundaries with your clients so you don’t overdo it. I’ve seen people overpromise and overcommit, but it’s not part of their program, so now, the clients are expecting way more and then they get disappointed. That’s the last thing you want to do.
- SET EXPECTATIONS– Have clear expectations for them and for yourself. If you set the tone and the expectations, you can both live up to them and you can hold each other at this HIGH standard.
- UNDER PROMISE AND OVERDELIVER – As business owners, sometimes, we just want to give, give, give. However, if you don’t have the backend, the systems and the support, and the team, then you won’t be able to deliver what you promised. It is always better to under-promise something and then add extras to add more value. Your clients will LOVE you for this and won’t expect it.
- BE ORGANISED – Show your clients you have a system in place and you are professional. Show up on time, book in appointments and never cancel.
- DON’T OVER COMMIT – It’s okay to say no. Because if everybody wants a piece of you and if you keep saying yes to everybody, then you’re not gonna be able to commit. You’re not going to be able to focus your energy and be 100 percent, because your focus is everywhere else and spread out thin.
- BE HONEST – don’t just make things up, be honest and authentic with your clients, I always tell my clients what I am and what I am not the expert in and then send them in the right direction.
- DON’T BE AFRAID TO LOSE CLIENTS – A lot of the time when people are selling their program, they just keep saying yes because they want to make a sale. Sometimes people aren’t right for your business, or you and they end up problematic down the road. So it’s ok to say NO, or not have someone be your client, TRUST ME YOU’LL BE ALOT HAPPIER.
• DON’T TAKE THEIR EXCUSES BUT BE PRESENT –As a leader hold your clients to a high standard and they will rise to meet them. Don’t give up on them if you know that you can genuinely help them. Don’t take their excuses, you want to push your clients to get success and results. If you’re present and if you’ve implemented things that are going to make them feel supported, then it will be a smooth transaction for you and them.