Q: How can I do a Live on Social media and WHY?
A: I love this question, because I love doing lives, doing lives is the single most important thing you can do to make yourself SEEN. It is way to be authentically you and connect with your tribe and audience. Not only that but with Facebook Algorithm, LIVES are pure engagement and what does Facebook want at the top of their funnel? Engagement. So, your simple live turns into a way for you to spread you message and your knowledge across to a wider audience. But guess what PEOPLE are so terrified of doing LIVES, It doesn’t have to be like that.
Here are a few tips when doing a live
- Just be you, be authentic, trust me people will connect with you more
- Don’t worry about making mistakes, people like it when we are human- the best LIVES I ever did were when I made mistakes and was HUMAN- can you believe it.
- Give value- share you knowledge, if you say you don’t have any, you DO, there’s so much you know that others don’t, you would be surprised.
- Give tips
- Share your knowledge- don’t be scared to share your knowledge for FREE
- Connect and talk with your audience – when they jump on the LIVE say hello, ask them questions, get them involved in the LIVE, they will say longer and feel more a part of the conversation.
- Ask questions
- Do 5 minute, or longer lives- if you can do 20 minutes you will spread out further and more people will jump on and see it
- Share who you are- we all have a unique story, this is how you will relate to people, instead of saying “I’m an accountant” or “ A life coach” change it to your personal story.
- Be vulnerable- it’s ok to show how you are, if you had, or are having a tough time. Share these moments, because you never know who it will help.
- Share you wins- it’s ok to celebrate you wins, people want you to succeed.
- Share your failures – these are how we learn and it is a way to teach people.
- Get the angle of the camera right- no one wants to see your nose hairs
- Show why you are doing what you are doing
- Be passionate- why are you doing what you do?
The most important thing is to just DO IT, stop making excuses and do the LIVE !!!
Be genuinely passionate - Find what makes you passionate and write about it
Identify what your dream clients love about you and what the general public hates about you; crank up the volume on it.
Be more YOU, authentically and unapologetically!